
art is life

Friday, March 18, 2011

an sms story70

Anna was wearing blue jeans and a very
conservative top which accentuated her
new-found slimness. a brown thick band
of watch on her right wrist. a black leather
handbag.she always feels guilty about using
the leather ones but the substitutes have not
proved to be fit for roughing it up.Khadim footwear.
the only ones that didn't give her feet rough skin.
as she explored  floor to floor...she can tell the
positions of various sections blindfolded...she remembered
her answers to Armaan's messages.

Anna:One of the most
powerful visions i
have experienced
was the first
photograph of
earth from outer
space. The image of
a blue planet
floating in deep
space, glowing like
the full moon on a
clear night...The
Dalai Lama

Anna:Always forgive ur
annoys them as
much-oscar wilde

Anna:Never imagine
urself not to be
otherwise than
what it might
appear to others
that what u were or
might have been
was not otherwise
than what u had
been ud have
appeared to them
to be otherwise-alice in wonderland

all the days before Armaan answered, she had waited.
and she had done one other thing. she had opened her documents
and looked for an appropriate pic to go with her Orkut profile.
which could justify her present glam while grasping the old looks...
for an old acquaintance to recognize her as herself, the Anna of
roundish face, thin lips and bright eyes.she looked like a teenager
in her mid-twenties...and she has matured as a woman now and there
lie the difficulty.would he be able to recognize in this woman that girl?
because a girl she was then....                                     (to be contd.)

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